I couldn't pinpoint it exactly, but it seemed to be something to do with interacting with the discard pile? Either clicking on it, or the spectral arrows being discarded..? Take that with a significant grain of salt, though - I was only just starting to look into the console logs+debugger as you reverted. :)
On a much less important note, there's also a minor nitpick that I have that sometimes coins go flying off the screen and I can't stack them. Not a biggy at all, though.
Thanks for letting me know about it! Hopefully it will be a quick fix. I expect this update will have a few bugs I've missed considering how big of a change it is in the code 😅
Ah that coin issue sounds annoying - I haven't seen that happen before, when is it most common?
I love the art update! The coins add nice flavour, but are super annoying when they block dragging the cards into the drop zones, you should disable the colliders when you're dragging a card
Hey there! Yes those are the forest boss, and they are definitely the hardest one in the game. A good strategy is to use a bow and arrow build to avoid thorns, and target the damage increase one first - also having some summon cards to take some of the damage will help 😊
I would balance third hand, one third hand and two deck swaps, lets you cycle infinitely i.e Graveyard: weapon, deck swap, third hand Hand: Deck swap
Play deck swap, play weapon, play third hand, and you have reset and can repeat. It does help that you are forced to take cards, making this setup hard to draw, but w/ 3 deck swaps and two third hands alongside a draw/knife build, I get this very often. You could change it to limit each third hand to one use per turn, or you could make it only playable once per game by putting it in a different zone after playing it; think Magic the Gatherings exile.
Oh, and I believe that enemies summoned by other enemies give gold; I have gotten a few setups that would have let me farm this infinitely, and I would change that too.
Thanks for those two suggestions! Deck swap with Third Hand does seem like a really powerful combo at the moment, I will have to look into how to balance that 🤔
Also I think it's smart to limit the amount of enemies that drop gold, so thanks for pointing that out! 😊
I'm glad you like the game! That's very frustrating! Do you remember what it had its damage set to when this happened? Or what enemy was in the discard pile? Thank you 😊
It was set to nothing! I had just acquired it, and I hadn't killed any enemies yet. The damage was showing up as "N", I used it by accident, and got stuck xP
Reloading the page got me back to the start of the fight, so I was able to continue playing though! You've really got me hooked :)
ok super awesome game (totally love it) but wondering if you could include a turn count or something on the lonely golem, so we can see the number of turns we have before an ethereal golem instead of trying to remember? :)
I'm glad you like it 😁 I definitely need to work on implementing some kind of tutorial, was there anything specific you think would need extra attention to explain? 😊
Currently the game only has two ways - you can sell a limited number of cards in a shop, or if you encounter the Card Altar event you will be able to sacrifice some of your cards!
I'm glad you like it!! 😊 It would be super helpful if you even Wishlisted it on steam! I will also be doing some free codes for the game on the Discord when it comes out, so take a look out for that 🙂
If you make a summoner hybrid build (you can use any second build) you will win, I love the summoner build so much, would recommend summoner mager, like pyro mage, it goes pretty hard
mechanical bow correctly returns to hand and uses no energy after dragging onto an enemy card with no arrows in hand; however, it still adds two temporary training bows each time.
I'm sorry you're having that issue!! Have you tried downloading it? That version might not have the same trouble - otherwise, what browser are you using so I can test? 😊
I'm glad you like the game! 😊 Haha yeah it's much harder to win without using any summons - My current balancing strategy is to make every option overpowered, and work from there!
Can you please explain the difference between the Launch files? The 2.4.0 version (with the little controller icon) does not run for me in Windows. It opens but when I click on the deck it doesn't do anything. The other versions run, but are limited to a fixed window size. Please advise, thanks
Hey there! The 2.4.0 file should be a Windows .exe, which should just run normally! I know that clicking on cards is not fully reliable at the moment, so maybe give it another shot to see if clicking on the deck starts the level!
The other file is a html file to run the game in browser 😊
I've never been able to run the Windows version. I can't get past the first screen where you select the Meadow. Nothing happens when I click it. Thanks
I have a good Idea for something to add as a item "pouch" what it could do is allow you to gain an extra card per turn but it destroys itself until the battle has ended. one of the downsides should be that you lose a move every turn
This is a really fun game and I love how many different card types there are! IDK if it is possible but it would be great if the game saved when the tab was closed.
A little bag to put them in might be nice. Doesn't even have to be auto pick up. Coin stacking is fun but I found the board getting a bit cluttered after a bit.
Finally beat it! Having seen the boss at the end of the beach, I think all my runs would have beaten the game if I hadn't run into crashes.
The game is pretty good, and seems to be getting better!
Thoughts on cards:
Third hand was too strong at +3, but it's too weak at +2. +3 with a cost or limitation-- perhaps having it set your current available moves to 3, for example-- would be better, but +3 is probably fine since the power creep from the new cards is pretty high (mitosis, as an example, is better than pre-nerf third hand, and copies most but not all of what you could do with it).
Draw two is always bad now, and that's probably fine. It's funny because in most games it's super OP. Used to be good iff you had third hand, now you'd prefer mitosis instead of course (strictly better).
Although discarding is usually good, discarding on hammers is bad for you. Hammers themselves are still good-- maybe even better-- but only if you have no more than one in hand per turn. Card forge helps them a bit, but since they are very anti-synergistic they are no longer an archetype distinct from swords, which is too bad. The novelty hammer suffers from this especially, since its niche (the forest boss battle) relies on the ability to stack several of them per turn to make up for being worse than the single-target hammers most of the time individually.
Bows are still, and have always been since I first played, the best archetype by far. Double shot crossbow is even more better than the viper gun now that there are a number of useful reasonably attainable arrows to choose from, and it's probably the best weapon in the game, though some of the other legendary bows can give it a run for its money with significant investment. Having to have projectiles is a cool downside, but a VERY manageable one.
Projectiles are good because bows are good, but mostly suck otherwise. It's notable that both darts would be quite decent even if they weren't projectiles, which has an outsized impact because they are the top-tier projectile-class cards. Bent arrow is very good early in the game when you can't just arbitrarily have whatever ammo:bow ratio you want, but trash later in the game when you'd much rather discard than keep it in hand, at which point crafted arrow is better if you need something more than just legendary ammunition. Wonky arrows are the worst starting items, except they go with the training bow, the best starting weapon.
Daggers are sad. They wish they were bows, but they are trying too hard. The main two advantage that daggers have over bows are that daggers can be used as singletons in a pinch and daggers can play any number of cards with a single action. Unfortunately, both these abilities are quite weak because normal card draw is extremely weak (costing 1 play per card and requiring you to dilute your deck with non-daggers) and diversity is essential, limiting the number of 'extra moves' compared to bows you might possibly get, and daggers are very poor weapons as solo options due to their low damage and lack of useful secondary effects. Daggers also mostly don't ignore thorns, which is very relevant because they rely on making 4-5 low-damage attacks per turn. Throwing daggers can help with this, but only a little due to their rarity and the number of them you'd need to outfit a deck. That's not to say that daggers are *bad* as an archetype, just that they are much worse than bows; they are still quite a bit better than swords and hammers!
Summons are meta-defining. Every deck benefits from a good chunk of summon cards, though throwing out *all* your other cards is usually rather suboptimal. Summon cards are unique in that they don't take up space in your deck while they are in-play, and without thorns it costs at least 1 enemy turn to get the summon out of play. The training dummy was always one of the best summons, and with the buff to 3 hp it's even better. I have yet to find a deck in which it isn't an auto-include, at least up to 3 copies. Lonely golem is a great design for a weak summon card to have available early in the game (even the starting cards would probably be okay if the code could handle it), but it's obviously not going to cut it in a late-game deck. I like clockwork golems (and I liked them before the buff, too), but they probably aren't very strong, even post-buff. If they returned to hand post-draw rather than taking up space when the ability activates, they'd probably be more competitive with the other golems, though they still fill the powerful attacker niche pretty well. Clay golems are bad, but work just as well as clockwork golems 99% of the time. Health insurance is a scam; get Forest Golems instead. Forest Golem is the best healing source in the game, and with the buff they are amazing tanks as well. The 1 dmg/turn can really add up with multiple copies as well. Armor golems are very good as well, with a different niche, surprisingly. Their purpose is to increase the effective MAX hp for allies (especially dummies), so that low-hp allies can survive enemy attacks in the middle to late game, which is, in fact, worth the small negative change to ones effective hp/turn modifier much of the time. Smoke golems might not be in the game any more, but they were cool. Card Forge is essential to the new Hammers+Swords archetype, but useless otherwise. The turn o matic costs gold which is a no from me, but I can see it being good, objectively.
Health items and shields are pretty interchangeable. You usually want at least 1 health item unless you have particularly good forest golem luck, and a couple of shields is often a good investment. There are no interesting heals or shields, so you just use steak and small shields, then later bread and tall shields. You don't normally want more than 1 health item (though 2 isn't a bad situation to be in, really, or more than 2 shields (though three is okay). This is because it's important to do at least moderate damage to enemies most of the time, and deck space is quite limited.
Vampire sword is good, because it is basically a healing item with a cool effect (damage), so you can swap bread for it, but all other swords are pretty bad.
Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to give your thoughts! This is some of the best feedback I've gotten so far 😊
I appreciate your thoughts on the hammers > I definitely think they need some work before they become viable again, potentially increasing the amount of weakness or damage they do so that you aren't reliable on multiple? Additionally exploring more combo cards to do with discarded weapons might tip the balance in making a club-heavy deck actually valuable? 🤷
I like your suggestion of making the third hand a reset moves card instead of an additional moves card - it also makes you not want to use it first thing in a turn, so you have to be careful not to discard it with another cards abilities.
Making healing, shields, and swords more interesting / viable is a big challenge. I'm open to all suggestions of how to improve them! Potentially making swords take the place of status effects, like fire and Blight, instead of some of the arrows, could "cut" a niche of their own?
All your other thoughts are also really helpful! I'm really glad you were able to finally beat the demo! 😊 Thanks again!
← Return to game
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Hello :D
sy to say but the game just straight up crashed when I used a heavy hammer
ok bye bye have a good day :D
also Bunny summon when?🤔
Image because i'm an idiot and forgot iy
Thanks for telling me! I'll make a fix for that 😊
This should be fixed now ☺️
game freezes when too many daggers are used at the same time ~3+
Thanks for letting me know! I'll fix that quickly 🙂
I've uploaded a fix for this now ☺️
Running into a bug where the whole screen just goes black randomly, since the bugfix+code changes ...4 minutes ago
Wow, that's no good! Is it happening at a specific point?
I couldn't pinpoint it exactly, but it seemed to be something to do with interacting with the discard pile? Either clicking on it, or the spectral arrows being discarded..? Take that with a significant grain of salt, though - I was only just starting to look into the console logs+debugger as you reverted. :)
Browser build, Chrome v123.0.6312.106
On a much less important note, there's also a minor nitpick that I have that sometimes coins go flying off the screen and I can't stack them. Not a biggy at all, though.
Thanks for letting me know about it! Hopefully it will be a quick fix. I expect this update will have a few bugs I've missed considering how big of a change it is in the code 😅
Ah that coin issue sounds annoying - I haven't seen that happen before, when is it most common?
Seems like there's a chance whenever you get coins, tbh. Usually only if there's more than one.
I have reverted for now, and will look into it some more
This one should now be fixed 😊
my only request for the next update is mobile controls
Ooh mobile controls would be fun! I want to eventually make a mobile version of Dungeon Deck 😁
I love the art update! The coins add nice flavour, but are super annoying when they block dragging the cards into the drop zones, you should disable the colliders when you're dragging a card
Thanks! I'm glad you like it so far 😊
That's a good suggestion! I'll add that in
This is now implemented😊
Is it normal to get three of these in a row? because if so they are kinda overpowered even if you have max health
Hey there! Yes those are the forest boss, and they are definitely the hardest one in the game. A good strategy is to use a bow and arrow build to avoid thorns, and target the damage increase one first - also having some summon cards to take some of the damage will help 😊
ok! that makes more sense, i usually take the caves so i never have seen the forest bosses haha!
I would balance third hand, one third hand and two deck swaps, lets you cycle infinitely
Graveyard: weapon, deck swap, third hand
Hand: Deck swap
Play deck swap, play weapon, play third hand, and you have reset and can repeat. It does help that you are forced to take cards, making this setup hard to draw, but w/ 3 deck swaps and two third hands alongside a draw/knife build, I get this very often. You could change it to limit each third hand to one use per turn, or you could make it only playable once per game by putting it in a different zone after playing it; think Magic the Gatherings exile.
It was a great game, though!
Oh, and I believe that enemies summoned by other enemies give gold; I have gotten a few setups that would have let me farm this infinitely, and I would change that too.
Thanks for those two suggestions! Deck swap with Third Hand does seem like a really powerful combo at the moment, I will have to look into how to balance that 🤔
Also I think it's smart to limit the amount of enemies that drop gold, so thanks for pointing that out! 😊
Each time I beat an round of enemies, the game goes black and I can't fix it.
Hey there! I've just uploaded a fix for this now (3.0.8) - let me know if it's still happening ☺️
The fix worked, thank you very much
Have fun!
how do you fix everything so quickly it takes me hours to find mistakes in my code
let alone fix it
Haha it also takes me ages to fix some of these issues! It's really helpful having other people play and point out where the issues are 😅
hey Bubbon how do you get past the door by spawn in nimrods again?
I had a lot of fun playing! Sadly, the card that "Has the amount of damage of last enemy killed" made my health become NaN, so the game cannot end xD
I'm glad you like the game! That's very frustrating! Do you remember what it had its damage set to when this happened? Or what enemy was in the discard pile? Thank you 😊
It was set to nothing! I had just acquired it, and I hadn't killed any enemies yet. The damage was showing up as "N", I used it by accident, and got stuck xP
Reloading the page got me back to the start of the fight, so I was able to continue playing though! You've really got me hooked :)
Okay, thank you that's really helpful ☺️ this has been such a hard one to fix because I've never been able to reproduce it, but this will really help!
Haha I'm glad you're enjoying it! 😊 Remember to wishlist it on steam so when I release the full version you'll be notified!
I think one more thing that would be cool, is a card folder, so we can see all the cards we have obtained, or used.
Like a collections page of cards we have obtained and collected to view in an archive.
I'm just gonna join the discord atp, I keep coming back to this game and I really enjoy it, I want to see it prosper.
Yeah awesome!! I have some big plans for being able to view cards outside of a game 😊
ok super awesome game (totally love it) but wondering if you could include a turn count or something on the lonely golem, so we can see the number of turns we have before an ethereal golem instead of trying to remember? :)
that's a good idea!! I'll add that in 😊
This has been added now 😊
Is it possible to have a settings menu to adjust volume in game?
Certainly! I'm working on putting in a settings screen at the moment
Sweet! I'm excited ^^
I've now added this in! 😊
This is dope! A little unclear on exact mechanics, but i was able to figure it out
I'm glad you like it 😁 I definitely need to work on implementing some kind of tutorial, was there anything specific you think would need extra attention to explain? 😊
when i click the run game, the background turn black. but the game title and the card is not black. :/
Oh no! You still have the same issue?? Are you able to try the downloaded version?
How do you remove cards from your deck?
Currently the game only has two ways - you can sell a limited number of cards in a shop, or if you encounter the Card Altar event you will be able to sacrifice some of your cards!
great game! hope it gets huge world for full game on steam. also higher difficulty unlocks and a unlimited enemy one might be cool.
I'm glad you like it!! The full game will have many more levels, and different game modes is something id like to see too! 😊 Thank you for playing!!
The game is pretty fun
If I had money I would buy this on steam (when it comes out of course)
Keep up the good work
also bunny summon? (that would be cool)
ok bye bye have a good day :)
I'm glad you like it!! 😊 It would be super helpful if you even Wishlisted it on steam! I will also be doing some free codes for the game on the Discord when it comes out, so take a look out for that 🙂
Haha a bunny summon sounds fun!! Good idea 😊
If you make a summoner hybrid build (you can use any second build) you will win, I love the summoner build so much, would recommend summoner mager, like pyro mage, it goes pretty hard
Yeah the summons are super useful!! Not sure if they need to be weakened a little or not 🤔 pyro mage is a good idea! That would be a useful summon!
Are you planning to add Russian localization and is there any way to help you with this?
Yes I would love to add localisation - if you join our discord I will post there when I plan to do it, and I would love any and all help 😊
bug report (v2.5.2)
mechanical bow correctly returns to hand and uses no energy after dragging onto an enemy card with no arrows in hand; however, it still adds two temporary training bows each time.

playing on Safari / Apple MacBook Pro
Thank you ! 😊
This has now been fixed 😊
Maybe due to the new "arrow cancel" mechanic, this bug still exists. I like the continuing graphics improvements!
ah true! That's a good pickup 😅 I'm glad you're liking it 😊
This is fixed now?? 🤞
This was very close to working on mobile but it doesn’t
Yes it shouldn't be much of a change when I release a mobile version!! ☺️
Dear devs. i have found a bug, if you use the mechanical bow without any arrows, no turns wasted, it returns, and does its ability, basically a dupe
Ah, thank you for letting me know! I'll make sure to fix that 😊
Btw i won the game :D
That's great!! Well done 😊 It seems the Beach deck is significantly easier than the forest or cave!
This has now been fixed 😊
When i click the run game button, the screen turns black. :(
and can you please add fullscreen :D
I'm sorry you're having that issue!! Have you tried downloading it? That version might not have the same trouble - otherwise, what browser are you using so I can test? 😊
Google Chrome
Hmm, that's what I normally play on 🤔 I'll look into it for you!!
Alot of fun!
Thank you! Im glad you like it 😁
Enjoyable game although knifes felt a bit stronger than the other paths.
Well done!! You crushed it 🥳
I'm glad you like it - knives are definitely one of the stronger build options, especially if you get the right cards for it!
awesome game ill play it tomorrow and try to beat beach
Thank you! Good luck 😊 let me know how you go!
I unfortunately have no idea what triggered this glitch, but I was messing around with my coins in the cave and the darkness started flickering.
Oh and the flickering darkness continues to the beach
Ah thanks for letting me know! I'll mess around with some coins and see if I can work it out 😊
very good game
Thank you!! Keep a lookout for any future updates 😊
Summons are really strong currently
Great game by the way.
I'm glad you like the game! 😊 Haha yeah it's much harder to win without using any summons - My current balancing strategy is to make every option overpowered, and work from there!
My game crashed upon using the card that instatly finishes status effects
Here is log
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object oDeck:
Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,1] out of range [1,1] - -7.l_stun(100027,1)
at gml_Script_scrPerformCardAction
stack frame is
gml_Script_scrPerformCardAction (line -1)
Oh no! Thanks for posting that, I should be able to get that fixed quickly 😊
This should now be fixed 😊
You can right click on a stack and it will take a coin off! You can also do this while holding a stack
I found an error when you kill an enemy with club and there is another enemy you keep the club and keep the energy
Oh that's a good pickup! Thanks for letting me know!
That should be fixed now!
Can you please explain the difference between the Launch files? The 2.4.0 version (with the little controller icon) does not run for me in Windows. It opens but when I click on the deck it doesn't do anything. The other versions run, but are limited to a fixed window size. Please advise, thanks
Hey there! The 2.4.0 file should be a Windows .exe, which should just run normally! I know that clicking on cards is not fully reliable at the moment, so maybe give it another shot to see if clicking on the deck starts the level!
The other file is a html file to run the game in browser 😊
I've never been able to run the Windows version. I can't get past the first screen where you select the Meadow. Nothing happens when I click it. Thanks
Thanks for letting me know! I'll take a look at fixing that for you quickly 😊
I've tried to fix this in the latest version 😊
also one more idea if you can i would like to see how this would work in an endless mode
I like it! I am hoping for the final version for the level order to be a bit more random, which would also make an endless mode easy to add! 😊
I also like the newest update
I'm really glad you like it! I'm planning to keep making more updates, and eventually a full release with more levels!
I have a good Idea for something to add as a item "pouch" what it could do is allow you to gain an extra card per turn but it destroys itself until the battle has ended. one of the downsides should be that you lose a move every turn
Ooh that's a great idea! It sounds a bit overpowered potentially, but a temporary upgrade card could be really cool 😁
letssssss gooooooooo!!!
This is a really fun game and I love how many different card types there are! IDK if it is possible but it would be great if the game saved when the tab was closed.
I'm really glad you like the game! That's a good suggestion, I will try to add that soon 😊
This should now work! 😁
suggestion: add a coin clean up
Ah, good idea! Just an auto stack feature? Maybe just at the end of a round?
A little bag to put them in might be nice. Doesn't even have to be auto pick up. Coin stacking is fun but I found the board getting a bit cluttered after a bit.
That's a fun idea! I might make it an item you can get from the shop, purely for convenience
Finally beat it! Having seen the boss at the end of the beach, I think all my runs would have beaten the game if I hadn't run into crashes.
The game is pretty good, and seems to be getting better!
Thoughts on cards:
Third hand was too strong at +3, but it's too weak at +2. +3 with a cost or limitation-- perhaps having it set your current available moves to 3, for example-- would be better, but +3 is probably fine since the power creep from the new cards is pretty high (mitosis, as an example, is better than pre-nerf third hand, and copies most but not all of what you could do with it).
Draw two is always bad now, and that's probably fine. It's funny because in most games it's super OP. Used to be good iff you had third hand, now you'd prefer mitosis instead of course (strictly better).
Although discarding is usually good, discarding on hammers is bad for you. Hammers themselves are still good-- maybe even better-- but only if you have no more than one in hand per turn. Card forge helps them a bit, but since they are very anti-synergistic they are no longer an archetype distinct from swords, which is too bad. The novelty hammer suffers from this especially, since its niche (the forest boss battle) relies on the ability to stack several of them per turn to make up for being worse than the single-target hammers most of the time individually.
Bows are still, and have always been since I first played, the best archetype by far. Double shot crossbow is even more better than the viper gun now that there are a number of useful reasonably attainable arrows to choose from, and it's probably the best weapon in the game, though some of the other legendary bows can give it a run for its money with significant investment. Having to have projectiles is a cool downside, but a VERY manageable one.
Projectiles are good because bows are good, but mostly suck otherwise. It's notable that both darts would be quite decent even if they weren't projectiles, which has an outsized impact because they are the top-tier projectile-class cards. Bent arrow is very good early in the game when you can't just arbitrarily have whatever ammo:bow ratio you want, but trash later in the game when you'd much rather discard than keep it in hand, at which point crafted arrow is better if you need something more than just legendary ammunition. Wonky arrows are the worst starting items, except they go with the training bow, the best starting weapon.
Daggers are sad. They wish they were bows, but they are trying too hard. The main two advantage that daggers have over bows are that daggers can be used as singletons in a pinch and daggers can play any number of cards with a single action. Unfortunately, both these abilities are quite weak because normal card draw is extremely weak (costing 1 play per card and requiring you to dilute your deck with non-daggers) and diversity is essential, limiting the number of 'extra moves' compared to bows you might possibly get, and daggers are very poor weapons as solo options due to their low damage and lack of useful secondary effects. Daggers also mostly don't ignore thorns, which is very relevant because they rely on making 4-5 low-damage attacks per turn. Throwing daggers can help with this, but only a little due to their rarity and the number of them you'd need to outfit a deck. That's not to say that daggers are *bad* as an archetype, just that they are much worse than bows; they are still quite a bit better than swords and hammers!
Summons are meta-defining. Every deck benefits from a good chunk of summon cards, though throwing out *all* your other cards is usually rather suboptimal. Summon cards are unique in that they don't take up space in your deck while they are in-play, and without thorns it costs at least 1 enemy turn to get the summon out of play. The training dummy was always one of the best summons, and with the buff to 3 hp it's even better. I have yet to find a deck in which it isn't an auto-include, at least up to 3 copies. Lonely golem is a great design for a weak summon card to have available early in the game (even the starting cards would probably be okay if the code could handle it), but it's obviously not going to cut it in a late-game deck. I like clockwork golems (and I liked them before the buff, too), but they probably aren't very strong, even post-buff. If they returned to hand post-draw rather than taking up space when the ability activates, they'd probably be more competitive with the other golems, though they still fill the powerful attacker niche pretty well. Clay golems are bad, but work just as well as clockwork golems 99% of the time. Health insurance is a scam; get Forest Golems instead. Forest Golem is the best healing source in the game, and with the buff they are amazing tanks as well. The 1 dmg/turn can really add up with multiple copies as well. Armor golems are very good as well, with a different niche, surprisingly. Their purpose is to increase the effective MAX hp for allies (especially dummies), so that low-hp allies can survive enemy attacks in the middle to late game, which is, in fact, worth the small negative change to ones effective hp/turn modifier much of the time. Smoke golems might not be in the game any more, but they were cool. Card Forge is essential to the new Hammers+Swords archetype, but useless otherwise. The turn o matic costs gold which is a no from me, but I can see it being good, objectively.
Health items and shields are pretty interchangeable. You usually want at least 1 health item unless you have particularly good forest golem luck, and a couple of shields is often a good investment. There are no interesting heals or shields, so you just use steak and small shields, then later bread and tall shields. You don't normally want more than 1 health item (though 2 isn't a bad situation to be in, really, or more than 2 shields (though three is okay). This is because it's important to do at least moderate damage to enemies most of the time, and deck space is quite limited.
Vampire sword is good, because it is basically a healing item with a cool effect (damage), so you can swap bread for it, but all other swords are pretty bad.
Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to give your thoughts! This is some of the best feedback I've gotten so far 😊
I appreciate your thoughts on the hammers > I definitely think they need some work before they become viable again, potentially increasing the amount of weakness or damage they do so that you aren't reliable on multiple? Additionally exploring more combo cards to do with discarded weapons might tip the balance in making a club-heavy deck actually valuable? 🤷
I like your suggestion of making the third hand a reset moves card instead of an additional moves card - it also makes you not want to use it first thing in a turn, so you have to be careful not to discard it with another cards abilities.
Making healing, shields, and swords more interesting / viable is a big challenge. I'm open to all suggestions of how to improve them! Potentially making swords take the place of status effects, like fire and Blight, instead of some of the arrows, could "cut" a niche of their own?
All your other thoughts are also really helpful! I'm really glad you were able to finally beat the demo! 😊 Thanks again!
I have tried a different approach to hammers based on your feedback 😊