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I think that this game is very fun, but here are some suggestions:

1. sometimes (I experienced this maybe 3 or so times?), I was fighting against the hibernating bear, and then the screen became dark and I thought it was a feature. It was not a feature, since none of my cards did any damage, but the bear and bat things did damage to me. It might be fixed already though, since I have not seen the bug in a while.

2. I think that there should be music everywhere: in the battles, in the shop, the healing fountain, and the sacrificing areas. I feel like the music being just in the main titles feels a bit off to me, so it would be nice with music in the whole game.

3.  I think that the screen where it shows "new game", "continue", and "settings" should have a new bar called, "achievements", where you will be able to beat the game by completing all the achievements. 

4.  Does the sacrificial altar always return something? I didn't get some on my first sacrifice, so I don't know if it is a bug, or if it is purposely done like this.

5. I think a character selection would be nice (but not necessary).  You can customize how your character looks like, and during the card battles, there would be a custom aura around you. The character could (but not necessarily) have special abilities or different decks, like a dagger wielder, or a swordsman, or an archer, or a summoner, or a magician, but it would be nice to have something like this in a fantasy-like game. 

6. More decks would be amazing!

7. More cards could make the game more interesting, like more potions, or more effects. One effect could be this:

blindness -- decreases every turn, starts at 3, opponent attack has a 10% times the current number chance to miss.

8.  It would be great if you could earn a currency every time you play, and that currency can be used to buy aesthetics outside. For example, each time your run ends, you earn 100 nuggets, and you can pay 30 nuggets in the game store to buy a  red tablecloth. It is unnecessary, but I would like it.

Hey there, thanks for playing!! I'm glad you liked it 😊 I love all your suggestions! Some of them will be a part of the full game, like there being more decks and cards, and music throughout! Having an achievements / challenges list is definitely something I also want to include, as well as a global currency for cosmetics 😊

The sacrificial altar should always return a card, but in the demo requires a random number between 1-3 of cards to be sacrificed before you get one back!


Super fun, I loved stacking my coins hahahah.

For anyone playing, if you want a harder challenge play arrows only

Haha those coins can be satisfying 😊 thanks for playing!


Cool, I liked it

Thank you 😊

(2 edits) (+1)

Apart from screen issues its a nice game

Sorry to hear you've had screen issues! Is it something I am able to fix?
I'm glad you like the game regardless 😊


Full screen or not you have to scroll to see the top or scroll down to see the bottom the games seems to big for the screen but idk

(1 edit) (+1)

Ah okay, on the web browser, you could try zooming in or out using Ctrl and the mouse wheel? See if that lets you fit the game on screen 😊 otherwise the downloadable version should be fine!


It's not perfect but its definitely an improvement if it can't be fixed this method does help 

Let me know if this is any better with the latest update! (3.3.4)


I like it

Great! 😊


Great game, cool cards wish it told me how to use the cards but you learn pretty quickly, hope this game is free on steam would like to download it to my PC. It's simple but sweet


I'm glad you like the game! 😊 Yeah some form of tutorial would definitely help.

If you want to get the full game for free, I'd recommend hopping on the Discord server! I'm planning to do some giveaways there when it comes time to release 😊


The new update was a lot of fun! I played the version before and this update brings in some cool cards enemies, quality of life fixes, etc. Loved the new cards. Felt like there were more variety to choose from. Overall, I am highly enjoying the game! Can't wait for more future updates and release of the full game! 


Thank you for giving it another go!! I'm really glad that you have enjoyed the new updates 😊 thanks for making another video! I'll make sure to give it a watch!


What did you make the game in?


Dungeon Deck is being made using Game Maker




Super fun, pretty chill gameplay, I was playing a bit, pretty nice.


Thank you! 🙂


You are welcome!


Quick bug with corpse sword: if you get it after a fight and use it before you've killed anyone it freezes the game (i think this is a bug but it has only happened once)


Thanks for letting me know! That's really helpful information ☺️

No problem.


Great job on this! I really enjoyed my few runs of this and i think this is a really cool concept. Can't wait for the next update!


Thank you! I'm glad you like it 😊


Quick bug with roulette wheel: if you hoover over a card you can see its stats while its flipped. (I think this is a bug, maybe its not though)


That's a good pickup! Definitely not something I want happening 😊


Found a way to crash the game :)


Oh no! What did the crash logs say? 🤔


IDK, just froze after I used this before killing a monster.


Made a video


Thank you for playing, and recording a video! 😊 Sorry the game crashed on you, but that should be fixed now  🥲

(1 edit) (+2)

Great Game

(I was playing on the web version)


Apart from Golem spam, the other builds are very balanced. I really enjoy the differences between the weapons that make the types all eel very unique.

The simple and intuitive combat style is quite enjoyable which makes it easy to learn. Once you do understand it, the gameplay can be quite fast and enjoyable. 

Multiple times through my playthroughs (6 times; golems, bows, swords, clubs, daggers and burning) I thought a few cards were useless or too good but found out they balanced quite nicely.

Personal Issues

- Sacrifice Alters gave a random card including starter level cards. 
- Apart from sacrifice alters, there is no way to destroy cards (some games allow card destruction in the shop for a fee)
- Blight doesn't seem to have much effect, especially in the late game. 

Due to a lack of deck manipulation, scaling cards such as 'Angry sword' get worse as the game goes on and I believe it is meant to be a boss reward card.

Other thoughts

Art was good and consistent, and playing around with the coins on screen was a fun addition. 

Apart from the increased amount of health, I didn't see any visual indicators for a boss/elite enemy.

There is no music during play, only on the main menu.

I haven't been able to get wands to work. I always pivoted out into something else. (Maybe there are too few wands.)


Well done and keep it up, lots of potential here and I can see you are working hard on the game.


Wow, this is really insightful and well written! Thank you for this great feedback 😊

I'm really glad you like the game! I'm working to try and make the final version as fun as possible!!


i love becoming a golem summoner, had like 35 cuz of the lonely golems lmao

Haha those golems are really fun! 😊 I'm glad you like the game!


whqat game engine is this made in 

I'm developing Dungeon Deck using Game Maker 😊


how does the health fountain work? I want to sacrifice my health but don't know how to do it.


Drop coins in it. Just drag and drop the coins on the fountain card.


ah, thank you! I misunderstood how it works


Haven't had the crash since! Now if only I could beat those damn raccoons

Haha those raccoons are just the worst!!


The game is great! Sadly while I was playing the web version the game crashed when I used the Corpse Sword while I haven't killed any enemies with the card in my deck, other than that the game is very fun and I'll try to buy the full version when it comes out!

Hey there! I'm glad you like the game!!

Sorry to hear about that crash 🥲 Was this with the web version? And was this when just starting a new deck? Thanks!


Im Stuck Fighting th Bear Boss as my save Crashs when I beat him


Hey there, unfortunately there's currently a crash in the HTML version of the game when you beat the cave deck - hopefully will be uploading a fix soon! 🥲


I'm hoping the latest update will fix this crash 🤞



Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you liked the game 😊

(1 edit)

why cant i skip card draw, this is aids,

One of the challenges of the game is trying to manage the cards in your deck 😊 a good way to get rid of cards you don't want is by selling them in shops!


A bit OP but very fun

Nice build! I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊

Deleted post

Thank you 😊


was fun until it crashed

Unhandled Exception - uncaught exception: { message : "trying to index variable which is not an array", longMessage : "trying to index variable which is not an array", stacktrace : [ "function _25("trying to index variable which is not an array") ","function __yy_gml_array_check_index(17, [undefined]) ","function gml_Script_scrHideCard([instance], [instance], [undefined]) ","function gml_Script_scrAddCardToHand([instance], [instance], [undefined]) ","function gml_Script_scrDeath_Sum_ClockworkGolem([instance], [instance], [unknown]) ","function script_execute([instance], [instance], 100577, [unknown]) ","function gml_Script_scrKillSummonedCard([instance], [instance], [unknown]) ","function gml_Script_scrDamageSummonCard([instance], [instance], [unknown], 3, [unknown], [unknown], [unknown]) ","function gml_Script_scrCA_AttackCard([instance], [instance], [unknown], [unknown], [unknown]) ","function script_execute([instance], [instance], 100577, [unknown])

Dungeon Deck.js:5017:224

Thanks for sharing this!! That's a big help ☺️ I'm glad it was fun up until that point 😅


game crashed as i beat the final boss on the sea level rip 

(1 edit) (+2)

game crashing when i beat second boss (browser version)

A few people are having that issue, but hopefully I will work out a fix soon 😅


Hopefully the latest version fixes this 🤞

Oh no! I haven't heard of that yet! Did you get any crash logs at all? 🤔


ok so I went with the forest route,  and I finally beat the racoons, turns out the black screen glitch does not happen if you chose the forest route (at least for me)  it only happens after the cave. 

Nice job!! That's good to know, it means it's at least something fixable 😊


I... might have made an infinite loop.

Haha yeah that is something I will have to balance out 😅

(1 edit) (+1)

An excellent game, but there could be a print and play version of it ? with the same cards. If so, I will happily offer to translate them into Spanish.

(1 edit)

That's definitely something I'd love to do in the future! Maybe after the full release, depending on interest 🤔


game randomly crashed while playing the cave level, but I don't think this glitch happens often

Yeah a few people are running into this issue it seems 😅 hopefully I'll be able to solve it soon


it keeps on happening when I beat the killer bear boss fight, after I take a free card and all the cards go back into the deck

That's useful to know, thanks! 😊 Does it happen on the forest deck at all?

forest boss fight is insane, I haven't been able to beat it yet but i'll let you know when I do

Good luck 🤞 

I think the latest update fixes this 🤞

uh well i'm playing on web and it just crashed in the cave level way before the boss

That sounds different 🤔 what do the console logs say?


happened again on the same run, maybe this does happen often


Nice game.

Spoilers ahead

Here is my favourite deck so far:

The "Practice dummy" is realy strong, i never encountered more than 3 enemies.

And the combo on the left works realy nice, and "Hidden sight" is nice help with searching for combo pices, also i love how "Reanimator" helps when you have 2 "Deck swaps" in hand.

Wow nice!! That's seems like a really solid deck ☺️

I'm glad you enjoyed the game so far!!

(1 edit) (+1)

 hear me out, listening to item asylum music makes this game better (for me im not sur about you) but this game is also just amazing in general

Haha I'll have to give that a go!

I'm glad you like it 😊


yeah its really fun- i just have trouble getting past the king with 20 shield ._. (forest))

That forest boss is definitely difficult 😅


golems op fr fr

you mean the game from roblox?

probably (definitely)

I love that game, used to play it all the time 


For me the glitch happens during and right after winning the forest battle against the racoons. It's a really fun game, so don't be too hard on yourself for this one glitch! Take your time with solving it.

Thanks for that ☺️ it's a bit harder to fix than I was expecting 😅 I'm glad you like the game so far!!


I don't think this is just happening to me, but after completing the cave deck and claiming  the unlocked cards the screen just goes black. 


Yeah thats happening to a few people 😬 I'll be uploading a fix for it soon!

Hey, I'm finding it hard to replicate this crash - If you have it happen again, would you be able to send a photo of the console logs? Also just double checking what version the game says for you? Thanks  😊

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't exactly know how to access the console logs. That may be because I'm playing on HTML5  but the one thing I do know is that I'm playing on version Alpha v3.3.1

If you maybe could tell me how to access the console logs I will send them to you.


on chrome and firefox (i think its the same on most modern browsers), hit F12 to open devtools. if that doesn't work on your browser, you can probably find the shortcut online. once in devtools, you should see tabs (elements, console, sources, etc). when you open the console after a crash, you should see the error as the most recent console message. it may have a dropdown, I would open that up!

Thanks for sharing this! ☺️

Thanks for that!! Yeah as contrick said in their reply, you can also right click on the web page and select "inspect" to open up the tab with the console ☺️ anything you are able to send would be a big help!!

Let me know if this still happens with the latest patch 😬

I just checked a few times and tried replicating it. I'm assuming it doesn't happen because it didn't happen the ten times I tried replicating it.

Thank you for checking! ☺️ 


Had a lot of fun, won with my summoning build


Nice! I'm glad you had fun 😊


lets gooooooo!!!!!!!

How good!! You have a lot of cards 😄


damn spiky racoons. still can't figure out a good knife strategy. my deck gets way too big.

Those racoons are really tough 😬 try selling some of your cards in the shops as you go, it will help to keep the deck manageable




Im sure other people have said this, but at least for me, the screen went black after completing the cave deck, after it said deck completed, it showed me the cards, and after I clicked "next" or "continue" (I forgot what it was called) it went black. 



Thanks for letting me know! It sounds like it's happening for a few people - I'll try and upload a fix for it soon 🙂

Let me know if this is fixed or not with the latest patch! 🙂

yes, it is fixed now, thank you


It's a very good start! But could use some better UX/UI, and clearer instructions. It is unclear what the coin does. Also, could use a way to have some hints as to what to expect in the future, to be able to try and plan a strategy. Finally, is there a way to trash cards? (I didn't see it in my run, but maybe I just missed it)

Anyway, I wish you best of luck. Looks like you got some potential for something really fun there.

Hey there! Thanks for the feedback, those are some really good points 😊 hopefully I can address all of them for the full game.

There is a discard pile on the left, but the only way to permanently remove cards from your deck is to either sell in a shop, or sacrifice on the card altar 🙂

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