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peeps I am on a mission. I am stacking shield until I cant anymore because the enemy damage would cancel it out. wish me luck and place your bets on how high I can go. I will post a picture of the total amount afterwards.

Sounds like a big goal! Good luck 😊

(3 edits) (+1)

a idea just occurred.

what if there were classes instead of random cards at the start and the classes you choose had a higher chance in finding cards that suits that class and weapons that don’t match the class are weakened and cards that do are buffed slightly

of course there should be a classic mode so you don’t have to choose a class

(also question is there any way that I could maybe create a copy of the game in the future but modify it? add my own ideas but of course credit you as the original maker kinda like the Isaac modding community.)

I like that idea 😊 I do have plans to make certain cards more likely to occur based on what kind of hand you have, but having specific classes that prioritize certain cards would be cool!

Of course, you're welcome to make your own version of the game if you'd like! I also want to work out a way to allow modding support for the full version - it would be cool to allow people to add their own cards in!


thanks this of course will happen when I start taking coding classes


I'm not sure if after the Bottle O' Gas (Blight Potion) update to correct it from not killing at 0 changed it's drop rate as well? It seems to be dropping at a really high rate compared to before. Maybe it's just me?

Hmm, it shouldn't have changed 🤔 I'll take a look though. Maybe you're just being very lucky 😅

Haha alright it's no problem. Not hindering anything. Just seemed to end a few runs with 3-4-5+ in my deck! :)


I am having a bug with an immortal fox card. The fox is at 0 health and cannot die. I used blight though idk if it has anything to do with it.

Thanks for letting me know! There is a bug currently with Blight which I will be uploading a fix for later today - For now, if you go back to the menu and continue your game, you should be able to kill the fox without blight

This should now be fixed 😊


Another one: When something has fire levels added to (at least, by both Fire Arrow and Flame hand) it they don't visually appear until the first round of fire damage hits the card.


Lightning strike appears to work correctly, however

Oh okay, that's good to know! It must be a recent change that has made it happen 🤔

This should now be fixed 😊

(1 edit) (+1)

Enjoying seeing the development over the updates!

3.1.9 - Using Artist's Clay (there should be an apostrophe, btw. It's the clay belonging to the artist. If it belongs to multiple artists then it's "Artists' Clay". Ditto for "Warrior's Buckler", etc. Not a biggy, I'm just a pedant :P ) on a card can result in a another card being cloned if they overlap and are both valid, even if the AC is dropped on an area where ONLY the intended card is present.

I'm glad you like the updates! 😊 Oh weird, thanks for sharing that! I'm trying to visualize what you're saying, do you have a screenshot of it by any chance?

Haha all good! I'll update those names for you ☺️ 


After some faffing about, I can do you one better. A gif of the bug in action. Hope it helps!


Found another minor text mistake. "Training Course"'s description says "Add +2 damage to a summoned golems" - judging by its behaviour that should be "golem" singular.

Yeah that's right, good pickup!

oh awesome, that's really helpful! Thank you for that 😊 

These should all be fixed now 😊

(4 edits) (+1)

ok people which type of player are you

Brute - uses weapons that weaken the enemy mainly

Archer - bow and arrows for their main weapon

Spellcaster - wands, fire, ect

Warrior - Whatever card deals more damage/defence

Tank - endurance build aka status effects, shields, hp

Summoner - summons ally’s to fight for them and tank damage, heal, and give sheild

Knife thrower - daggers do I need to say more

Arsonist - FIRE (flame arrows, fireball, lightning, anything that sets the enemy on fire and in excruciating pain)


I definitely prefer the "Archer" build personally - really satisfying the amount of damage a good bow and arrows can deal 😊


Personally Im more of a brute player making it so the enemy just cant do nothin’. its kinda satisfying in a way


hello, i really like this game! im wondering if you could maybe make this game support mac? i wanna download the game

Hey there! I'm glad you like the game! I will try to make sure there is a Mac build for the full version 😊


Great game. Just one issue: I played Reflection on Clockwork Golem and the game froze up.


After reloading and continuing, I played Reflection on Clockwork Golem again just to check if it was a one time thing. The game froze up again. I am on web version by the way.


Thanks for letting me know about that issue! I'll have a look into it 😊 I'm glad you enjoyed the game otherwise


This should now be fixed 😊


Great game as always but I think there should be a button at the beginning that’ll bring you to a challenges tab and different challenges would appear and that’s how you could unlock other cards

Great idea! I'm actually planning to have challenges in the final release, along with some other ways to unlock different cards 😊

oh neat, cant wait!


Beat it with no Weapons


Woah! That's awesome - an endurance build. I assume Time was your tactic?


Yeah the only way to kill was through time


Been playing for a few updates now and I've been loving the game!!!!!! Only issue is the crashing. Seems to happen whenever you have no cards in your hand(?) The card laucher is basically unasable :/

But other than that, I'm loving it!!!!! I'm eager to see what will come next ^-^

Thanks for letting me know about that issue! I will take a look at fixing it.

I'm really glad you like it so far 😊 

This crash should now be fixed 😊




The game is super fun,loved it

That's awesome! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far 😊


Great work! Played the game all the way to the end, and enjoyed the entire journey. Well done.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the demo so much 😊


im just going to put this out here there should be a revive item for either the player or summon but it gives a buff after death

Hmm interesting idea- how would it work with the player? 🤔

(3 edits) (+1)

maybe the player revives with half health and for the remaining round can only use 30% of their cards and the cards are buffed but slightly. it would also be a one use before being completely removed from your deck. the card itself would do nothing tho and has to be in either your hand or the draw pile to work

just an idea

Nice! I really like that idea - I think implementing something like it could work really well


heehee, used reflection on killer bear and then corpse sword to knock out enemies :)

Nice job! It's always satisfying to destroy one of the bosses like that 🥳


Can you make fewer enemies spawn or less powerful enemies spawn for the first five turns? 

Ah possibly, that might be good to do. Was there any enemy in particular that was too difficult?

I think Warrior Rabbit because it would summon another enemy. Or  the turtle one in my opinion because sometimes it takes forever for me to kill it cause I did not select/get many damage cards.

Thanks for that feedback 🙂 I will look into making the first level start off a bit easier


reflection is completely broken, 10/10

you probably should make reflection cost 2 action points, or have some other drawbacks to prevent just obliterating everything

thanks for playing 😁 yes reflection is extremely overpowered at the moment - I think I will nerf it soon!

(2 edits) (+1)

Looking a lot better on the black-screening, and it seems like coins are no longer going missing (maybe? I think?) So that's really good!

On the other hand, Mean Dagger isn't discarding, or using actions, or even returning to hand (but is damaging the player as expected. Would be nice to know exactly how the self-damage worked, too...). It does seem to return to hand at the end of turn, though.

Edit: No luck on the disappearing coins, actually. Ah well.

(1 edit)

Hmm that's interesting about the mean dagger! I'll take a look at that 🤔 it is one of the cards I am planning to rebalance, as the self damage is a bit bad atm.

I was able to reproduce the disappearing coins, so it's on my list to fix ☺️ haven't done anything yet on that though!

(1 edit) (+1)

tbh the mean dagger bug is kinda neat, you get to use it as much as you want at the expense of losing health, and if you use it too much you just die, oughta just keep it as a feature

That's actually a good point! I think that's a great idea ☺️


crashes are ᵐᵒˢᵗˡʸ fixed great game and just a suggestion could you add an auto-stack coins button so u can keep track of them?

Haha that mostly needs to be in the title somehow! I'm glad you like it, and yes I will be adding an auto stack mechanic for the coins, but I'm planning for something a bit different 


Game crashes when using daggers


Thanks for telling me! I'll upload a fix for that soon ☺️


This should now be fixed ☺️


Nice! but the game is now starting with 3 curvy daggers and 1 heavy hammer, i can only choose the last card now


Haha oh no - Thanks for letting me know


This shouldn't happen now 😅


Hello :D

sy to say but the game just straight up crashed when I used a heavy hammer

ok bye bye have a good day :D

also Bunny summon when?🤔

Image because i'm an idiot and forgot iy

Thanks for telling me! I'll make a fix for that 😊

This should be fixed now ☺️


game freezes when too many daggers are used at the same time ~3+

Thanks for letting me know! I'll fix that quickly 🙂

I've uploaded a fix for this now ☺️


Running into a bug where the whole screen just goes black randomly, since the bugfix+code changes ...4 minutes ago

Wow, that's no good! Is it happening at a specific point?


I couldn't pinpoint it exactly, but it seemed to be something to do with interacting with the discard pile? Either clicking on it, or the spectral arrows being discarded..? Take that with a significant grain of salt, though - I was only just starting to look into the console logs+debugger as you reverted. :)

Browser build, Chrome v123.0.6312.106


On a much less important note, there's also a minor nitpick that I have that sometimes coins go flying off the screen and I can't stack them. Not a biggy at all, though.

Thanks for letting me know about it! Hopefully it will be a quick fix. I expect this update will have a few bugs I've missed considering how big of a change it is in the code 😅

Ah that coin issue sounds annoying - I haven't seen that happen before, when is it most common?

Seems like there's a chance whenever you get coins, tbh. Usually only if there's more than one.

I have reverted for now, and will look into it some more

This one should now be fixed 😊


my only request for the next update is mobile controls

Ooh mobile controls would be fun! I want to eventually make a mobile version of Dungeon Deck 😁


I love the art update!  The coins add nice flavour, but are super annoying when they block dragging the cards into the drop zones, you should disable the colliders when you're dragging a card

Thanks! I'm glad you like it so far 😊 

That's a good suggestion! I'll add that in


This is now implemented😊


Is it normal to get three of these in a row? because if so they are kinda overpowered even if you have max health

Hey there! Yes those are the forest boss, and they are definitely the hardest one in the game. A good strategy is to use a bow and arrow build to avoid thorns, and target the damage increase one first - also having some summon cards to take some of the damage will help 😊


ok! that makes more sense, i usually take the caves so i never have seen the forest bosses haha! 

(1 edit) (+2)

I would balance third hand, one third hand and two deck swaps, lets you cycle infinitely
Graveyard: weapon, deck swap, third hand
Hand: Deck swap

Play deck swap, play weapon, play third hand, and you have reset and can repeat. It does help that you are forced to take cards, making this setup hard to draw, but w/ 3 deck swaps and two third hands alongside a draw/knife build, I get this very often. You could change it to limit each third hand to one use per turn, or you could make it only playable once per game by putting it in a different zone after playing it; think Magic the Gatherings exile. 

It was a great game, though!


Oh, and I believe that enemies summoned by other enemies give gold; I have gotten a few setups that would have let me farm this infinitely, and I would change that too.

Thanks for those two suggestions! Deck swap with Third Hand does seem like a really powerful combo at the moment, I will have to look into how to balance that 🤔 

Also I think it's smart to limit the amount of enemies that drop gold, so thanks for pointing that out! 😊


Each time I beat an round of enemies, the game goes black and I can't fix it.

Hey there! I've just uploaded a fix for this now (3.0.8) - let me know if it's still happening ☺️


The fix worked, thank you very much

Have fun!


how do you fix everything so quickly it takes me hours to find mistakes in my code

let alone fix it

Haha it also takes me ages to fix some of these issues! It's really helpful having other people play and point out where the issues are 😅

hey Bubbon how do you get past the door by spawn in nimrods again? 


I had a lot of fun playing! Sadly, the card that "Has the amount of damage of last enemy killed" made my health become NaN, so the game cannot end xD

(1 edit)

I'm glad you like the game! That's very frustrating! Do you remember what it had its damage set to when this happened? Or what enemy was in the discard pile? Thank you 😊


It was set to nothing! I had just acquired it, and I hadn't killed any enemies yet. The damage was showing up as "N", I used it by accident, and got stuck xP

Reloading the page got me back to the start of the fight, so I was able to continue playing though! You've really got me hooked :)

Okay, thank you that's really helpful ☺️ this has been such a hard one to fix because I've never been able to reproduce it, but this will really help!

Haha I'm glad you're enjoying it! 😊 Remember to wishlist it on steam so when I release the full version you'll be notified!


I think one more thing that would be cool, is a card folder, so we can see all the cards we have obtained, or used.


Like a collections page of cards we have obtained and collected to view in an archive.


I'm just gonna join the discord atp, I keep coming back to this game and I really enjoy it, I want to see it prosper.


Yeah awesome!! I have some big plans for being able to view cards outside of a game 😊


ok super awesome game (totally love it) but wondering if you could include a turn count or something on the lonely golem, so we can see the number of turns we have before an ethereal golem instead of trying to remember? :)


that's a good idea!! I'll add that in 😊


This has been added now 😊


Is it possible to have a settings menu to adjust volume in game? 


Certainly! I'm working on putting in a settings screen at the moment


Sweet! I'm excited ^^


I've now added this in! 😊


This is dope! A little unclear on exact mechanics, but i was able to figure it out

I'm glad you like it 😁 I definitely need to work on implementing some kind of tutorial, was there anything specific you think would need extra attention to explain? 😊


when i click the run game, the background turn black. but the game title and the card is not black. :/

Oh no! You still have the same issue?? Are you able to try the downloaded version?


How do you remove cards from your deck?

Currently the game only has two ways - you can sell a limited number of cards in a shop, or if you encounter the Card Altar event you will be able to sacrifice some of your cards!


great game! hope it gets huge world for full game on steam. also higher difficulty unlocks and a unlimited enemy one might be cool.

I'm glad you like it!! The full game will have many more levels, and different game modes is something id like to see too! 😊 Thank you for playing!!


The game is pretty fun

If I had money I would buy this on steam (when it comes out of course)

Keep up the good work

also bunny summon? (that would be cool)

ok bye bye have a good day :)

I'm glad you like it!! 😊 It would be super helpful if you even Wishlisted it on steam! I will also be doing some free codes for the game on the Discord when it comes out, so take a look out for that 🙂

Haha a bunny summon sounds fun!! Good idea 😊


If you make a summoner hybrid build (you can use any second build) you will win, I love the summoner build so much, would recommend summoner mager, like pyro mage, it goes pretty hard

Yeah the summons are super useful!! Not sure if they need to be weakened a little or not 🤔 pyro mage is a good idea! That would be a useful summon!


Are you planning to add Russian localization and is there any way to help you with this?

Yes I would love to add localisation - if you join our discord I will post there when I plan to do it, and I would love any and all help 😊

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